Effectively shaping change in organizations and teams

Agile Strategy with OKR - Agile Team Coaching - Learn and adapt
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Bumbling through with interchangeable strategy slogans and unmotivated people in dysfunctional teams is expensive.

Confusing teams with unclear announcements and seemingly random shifts in direction costs time, money, and damages the effectiveness of the entire organization in the long term.

No positive effects

You are already "agile". Nevertheless, nothing changes except that the same things are now called differently and random meetings take place.

Things get stuck

You've hired the best and the smartest people, yet strategic initiatives constantly fizzle out despite your inspiring vision.

Others are always faster

You always feel like you're lagging behind and primarily serve internal processes rather than actually creating added value for your customers.

Going back and forth

You find it difficult to maintain focus because the demands of the market are changing quickly and constantly. You feel like a ping-pong ball.

Against each other vs. together

Lack of direction and understanding of the work of other teams does not allow for effective collaboration and results in duplication of effort, conflicting goals, and irritated people.

The plan doesn't work

You have already planned the whole year and know exactly when which brilliant feature/product will be ready. The only problem is that your customers probably won't even need half of it.
Let's see how OKR can help you solve these problems
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Hi, I'm Sandy!

I work with and for people: Individually, in teams, in organizations. My focus is mainly on startups, SMEs, NGOs and innovative pilots or hubs.

Both remotely and on-site, I accompany you to tackle challenges and changes in an effective way.

Let's meet for a virtual coffee

From rigid to do lists to real customer value

Organizations around the world are facing a major challenge: How do we remain relevant to our customers in the future? In a highly dynamic world, there is no one right way. Organizations must learn to deal with this dynamic instead of relying on rigid processes or clinging to small-scale roadmaps. They need a safe space for their strategic future work. OKR (Objectives & Key Results) can be an effective framework for this.

I support you to focus on your customers with the help of OKR.

  • Find out if, when and how you will start your OKR journey.
  • Formulate clear goals that provide direction and real value
  • Establish a culture of regular exchange between teams and leadership
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Working together as a team

More self-organization. More self-management. More responsibility. Breaking down silos. And then, of course, you have to deliver, too. Many teams and managers are currently confronted with these issues. What makes sense when and to what extent? To "flip the switch" from one day to the next is just as damaging as not having any room for development at all.

I support you in achieving clarity and orientation in your team, so you can collaborate effectively.

  • Decide which development steps are right for your team
  • Formulate effective and meaningful goals - within the team and beyond team boundaries
  • Establish a regular reflection and communication structure
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From OKR theater to unlocking your full potential

Even though the OKR framework itself is very lightweight, working with it in practice is much more challenging and complex than it seems.

I will help you to avoid the most common mistakes and thus prevent frustration. And save time and money.

  • Gain clarity on whether and how OKR can help you
  • Create your own OKR structure and processes that suit you
  • Review and restart your current OKR implementation
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Organizations I worked with (excerpt)


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© 2025 Sandra Pretzer